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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Feeding the Fire...

The weather here is crazy. It is cold and dreary, the sun pops out momentarily and then ducks back into the coziness of the clouds. it is still winter and mother nature is not going to let us forget about it and ease us into spring. We are expecting snow be it flurries or feet, it really is no different when it comes to temperature it is all the same cold, Cold, COLD! 

This time of year keeps you inside, under the covers a little longer, to bed a little earlier, cozy by the fire with a good book or a craft, crochet, knitting, drawing, coloring etc. I do enjoy this time with family it is what I like to call our down time, no one is running around with numerous chores and must get

The most work so to speak is feeding the fire... putting a log on, to keep us warm and keep us together in one area spending quality time with the ones we love. Each other of course!

No Matter what your weather remember to take time out, to do little things like this, they really do make all the difference. Even if we are all doing our own things someone will say something and spark a conversation and before we know it...its sometimes gets loud, jokes being told,  happy tears start crazy chaos...

I would't change any of it, (well maybe make it a little warmer!) These are times as a mom I love! 

If you don't have a fireplace, or someone to share it with tonight feel free to sit with us and Enjoy. It may be small but warm, cozy and family that is all you need!

Stay Warm!

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